
Hypnosis is the perfect solution

Celebrities and pillars of the business community have over the years chosen to travel from far and wide to benefit from one to one consultations with Keith. Designing and implementing a solution to their individual problem is his speciality.

"My Hypnotist " specialises in creating weight loss, self confidence and  the motivation to live your dream. Keith will help you to achieve your ambition and realise your true potential in a way that is right for you. Hypnotherapy really will bring about fantastic changes in your life by removing problems that may have bothered you in the past, changing the habits of a lifetime and reprogramming your relationship with food.
Losing that excess weight will bring the sparkle into your life, effectively creating the NEW YOU that you want and deserve and using hypnotherapy to achieve all that you want to achieve really will be one of the most memorable experiences in your life.
So often people have misconceptions about what hypnosis is and may even be a little nervous but Keith's fun dynamic approach will easily allow you to relax, feeling safe and secure and bring about positive change in a way that is right for YOU.

If you are ready for change your life or would like to chat with Keith directly, call the Leeds office on 0113 815 1961 Email my hypnotist or call the hypno phone on 07404 675 881                                

30 day Money Back Guarantee : If you do not feel, see or experience positive change within 30 days of completing my programme I will return your money.
                          Keith Taylor is a member of the National Hypnotherapists Register.

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